Wednesday, 7 December 2011

BIG birthday memoirs...

Well the BIG birthday has finally passed... It's official... I'm an actual grown up... cue more tears... sad times boo hoo sob sob

For my actual birthday I went away on a surprise weekend away with my best friends and it turned out to be a bit of a disaster. I had high hopes for an amazing weekend away with my girlies, I've been raving about it for months. I understand that doesn't make much sense... the surprise was the destination not that they were whisking me away. I'm far too stressy to have something like that sprung on me! I said...the weekend didn't quite go as planned and fond memories won't be shared from that weekend.

The weekend just passed however was AMAZIN... absolutely bloody amazin and I had the best time EVER! There was absolutely no mention of the dreaded thirty and my lovely friend Miss Bear outdid herself with decorating the table at the restaurant and her mum made an absolutely AMAZIN cake.

Photos of my drunken antics are yet to be posted on Facebook but apparently I did alot of flirting with Mr Fit in-between swigging double shots of Jeagermeister from my 'Twenty One' engraved shot glass. Oh dear!

I have no recollection of getting home but apparently I pushed the dog off his bed & curled up there nice & comfy for a few hours. Oh dear again!

Sunday was a complete write-off, I was soooo poorly and my hangover was IMMENSE! Dying sooo bad.

I'm now full of cold, feeling really rubbish but absolutely loving the memories of a wonderful birthday weekend

Thanks mates... You made it sooo incredibly special x

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