Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Bloke...

so i haven't blogged for ages again… sorry. 

Things have taken a turn for the worse with The Bloke… I didn't see this coming and to be fair I'm quite disappointed.

I introduced him to my best friend on the Saturday… Big day for us all. She… more than anyone else in my life has the most influence on my decisions… other than myself of course! It's important the right impression is made on her… if she doesn't like him… well quite simply he's gone!

Anyway… Saturday… Wales v England… me & JD out in Reading on the smash and The Bloke was meeting us just after KO… he was late… quite a bit late so JD and I were on our way to being a little bit smashed by the time he rocked up.

The Bloke isn't a big drinker… we are… he tried to play catch up... and well... basically we ruined him… destroyed by two girls… not good! We were back in the house by 11pm at the absolute latest… he was sick everywhere… the bathroom looked like a murder scene… he really was in a bad way. Not quite sure what actually finished him off… could've been anything… black, white or raspberry sambuca… the enormous quantities of Jeager Bombs or the pint of Vodka Coke I made him down as the bouncer was escorting us out of the pub for being rude to the barman hahaha! Whatever it was, it seemed to have been the start of the end.

Neither of us were very well on the Sunday... he was clearly a broken man particularly after a day on the Golf course. Me however... I went and did all again with the girls and had a funday Sunday with my ladies. Sunday night was a chilled out relaxed night in and Monday morning was the last I saw of him. He dropped me off at the train station on the way to work and I flew out to Copenhagen that evening for a few days.

He dumped me by text... it wasn't an outright 'you're dumped' text... we'd been chatting about an issue that we had and it turned into 'sorry welshy, but I can't see you again'. Gutted to say the least. We obviously talked about it when I got back but he firmly believes that despite his feelings for me 'the issue' will be a big problem for us and renders us incompatible.

Boo hoo Missy but really? Big deal I hear you all shouting. I've been bleating non-stop for the past year how I'm not ready or wanting a boyfriend... well that's kinda true until I met The Bloke. He made me genuinely smile when I thought about being in a relationship with him. I was happy to tell everyone about this wonderful guy that I'd met and he was my boyfriend (kindof).

I genuinely miss him. We've talked and text a few times since but he's still adamant that despite calling me the funniest and most genuine girl he'd ever met i deserved to have someone who was crazy about me and that just isn't him.

I can't say I'm not disappointed... obviously I am... JD reckons it's because we emasculated him so badly on the Rugby day... I've a fairly good idea he's talking sense and despite being brilliant together we're not compatible for the long haul. Shame.

Back to the drawing board...

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