So I'm still fishing... just about... they really are a strange bunch of bellends...
Anyway... success has so far been limited as you'll know from my previous blog... I'm staying optimistic tho and I've been chatting to a few more potentials... but last week I got busted good & proper!
I've been chatting a fitty in the RAF that's recently moved to Reading. Friends in the area are limited as is his local knowledge... cue Missy's Travels and a friendly tour of the town centre, and their alcohol filled bars. Just my type... a little hairier than I'd normally go for but there's razors and wax strips that can sort that bad boy out ;)
Sadly... meeting up wasn't as spontaneous as I'd have liked... he had to go away with work for a week or so but we'd agreed to get in touch when he got back and that's how it was left.
In the meantime... I got bored... I'd saved a few fitties into my favourites but hadn't got in touch... feeling a bit cheeky I decided to message one smiler and the banter began... he's gorgeous... beautiful teeth and a really cheeky grin... he's also a pilot in the RAF... the banter was top notch and he oozed arrogance... which made him all the more appealing.
Turns out however... and in hindsight it was glaringly bloody obvious... Pilot and Smiler are friends!!! Not just friends... they're actual fucking flatmates... Oh Jeezus wept... just my luck!
So... where do we go from here? I'm told that the 'Bro Code' rules out a meet... gutted... but totally understood... us girls are just the same... never go with your mates men... they're out of bounds... forever!
We had a few flirty messages back & forth but I was clear that I wasn't going to meet either of them... it's not allowed... EVER!
So I was quite surprised to receive a message a few days later from Smiler telling me he'd chatted to his flatmate and Pilot1 has given Pilot2 the ok... fancy meeting this week?
WTF? Is this a test? They're testing me aren't they? If I say yes... I get blown out by both of them... If I say no... I don't get chance to ever meet either... Fuck it... Test or no test... I want to see those lovely teeth and I want a night on the lash with the smiley pilot. So I said YES... we texted... seriously LOVE this guys banter... he's sooooo incredibly cheeky... and I encouraged it even more... I really like a guy that can play the game... this is the type of guy I've been looking to meet. Hurrah... they do exist and not just in my head!!!
So we meet... both a bit tired from shitty day at work... there's no AMAZING meet & greet... he plays it cool... I think I did too. We went for a few drinks and Smiler doesn't come up for air... He really does like to talk about himself... this guy is the male version of me... and I'm slightly smitten. Tee hee!
Genuinely I don't think we said a nice word to each other all evening... I loved it... just like being out with my friends... I WANT... NEED... TO SEE THIS MAN AGAIN!
His arrogance was overwhelming... he kept me on my toes and he's a filthy little fucker to boot. If I was ready to be chasing down a man for a boyfriend I'd definitely be setting my sights on this one... but I'm not... sad times... can I make him my new best friend? I want this cheeky fucker in my life... he'll make weekends on the lash all the more fun!
Success at last... thank you *dodgy fishing site* :)
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