Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Slippery Little F**kers!!!

It feels like an eternity since I last blogged... Apologies... I think I needed a bit of a break from the laptop and I've had a few 'family' issues that made it essential to make a trip to the motherland.

I'm still fishing and it's all just getting dodgier by the day.

I've part-completed a few blogs so I'm a little out of sync now... I'll try my best to get you back up to speed (in order)...

As of two weeks ago I still had my date with 'Guns' planned and I was supposed to have had a date with a 25yr old Welshman living near *smalltown* but he blew me out at the last minute with some sorry arse excuse. I'm not too sure what's going on but the meeting thing is something that's definitely NOT on these guys agenda. Weird little buggers!

So my date with 'Guns' finally arrived... six weeks of texting and chatting... very excited that we're finally getting to meet... he even phoned me at midnight the night before to tell me how much he was looking forward to meeting me... we talked about what we'd do during the day etc... all good... so WTF went wrong? He didn't turn up... stood me right up and then ignored all calls and texts!
WHY? I'm puzzled... soooo bloody puzzled. Why would anyone put in 6 weeks worth of effort... texting... emailing... chatting... if you had absolutely no intention of ever meeting? If that's all you want to be doing then fuck off to the bloody chat rooms. What's the actual point? I'm on *dodgy fishing site* to meet guys... I don't want to be texting constantly... I've got twitter for that...!!!

So I've been chatting to a few more guys... I persevere... most of them I'm doing it out of politeness rather than fancy. I actually just can't be arsed this week, it's the same old crap in every message...
"Hi, I saw your profile & liked what you'd written. I think we've got loads in common & look forward to hearing from you"
Oh good grief... boring! Something original please lads, it can't be that bloody hard can it?

I've collected plenty of phone numbers... my diary has been booked up every day but they all get cold feet at the absolute last minute. I can't quite work it out... what's going wrong?

I've shown my text conversations to friends... they'll be honest... brutal if needs be... am I being mental...? Do my texts scream 'I'm a psycho...run the fuck away'...? Apparently not! They're full of the usual flirtatious banter... they get back from me what they put in... nothing at all out of the ordinary. So what really is their agenda? I'm stumped... I've had lengthy analytical conversations with my friends... even pulled Brown Bear in on it... in his day he was the biggest player of them all... an expert in the game... even he's flummoxed! Surely the idea is to have a bit of banter... swap numbers... flirt some more... meet... shag... then the ignore is instigated? That's how it worked the last time I was single... granted that was quite some time ago... I jumped from a three year engagement straight into a relationship with Z-List... I had only a month breather between the two... the last time I was fishing for real I was 22/23... times have clearly changed!!!

I'm just about ready to sack off the whole sorry experience... I'm pretty sure that what I've heard about *dodgy fishing site* being a complete shag fest only applies to the folk in Welsh Land and to be fair they're not a picky bunch as a rule... The Southern English are a weird frigid bunch... I'm fed up!

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