Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Catch of the day

Well here we go again... another day of catching dodgy fish.
I still haven’t heard from Fitty Rugby Bloke, he is blatantly ignoring me and I’m very confused as to why. I’ve re-read through the messages To & From and there’s absolutely nothing that makes any sense as to why he’s not responded. What a knob! I’m quite a lot gutted *sob*
But let’s not dwell on it for too long... time to move on eh! I’ve told you about ToyBoy, I thought actually I wouldn’t hear from him again. I had expected him to be just the same as HotGuy and Fitty Rugby Bloke but *surprise* he only messaged me first thing this morning suggesting some places. I’m still not going to hold my breath for a meet, I reckon he’ll either go all shy on me like the rest or I’ll get stood up but I’m trying  to be optimistic as best I can.
There is also a further progress report... I have swapped numbers with the chap from Essex... he’s enormous... like an actual man mountain... a mountain made of man... I shall name him Guns due to the size of his arms... they are MAHOOSIVE! He’s a real sweetie though, he texts me all day long and says quite lovely things and asks lots of questions and none of it weird or perverse. He seems lovely and actually very genuine, I think I’ll have to step it up and make an actual phone call to him next week just to check he sounds normal and he’s not a complete dim wit. His spelling is good, that’s a start isn’t it?
I’ve ignored the Ginger Bellend, he messaged me again this evening with a polite ‘Hello’ type message but I just wanted to plant my fist through the screen as soon as I saw his red fuzzy face *blocks ScotchEggBalls immediately* I’m still very mad grrrrr!
SHAMLESS PLUG: I’m also quite impressed & touched with the wonderful tweets & Facebook messages I’m getting from you all about how much you enjoy reading my blog. Thank you. I’m pretty sure I’ve rectified the comments issue and you should now be able to leave a comment directly under the blog post, please do leave a comment. I would love to know who reads this besides my friends and hear what you think of it. I’d also really appreciate you telling everyone about my blog and passing the link around for everyone to read. Thank you all, keep reading, keep laughing x

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