Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Reeling in the fish....

Wowzers what a difference a day makes!

Today I uploaded three more photos to my profile and goodness me my Inbox has been full all day. They're not rude or suggestive photos, just me at Reading Festival this summer and one at the races from August when we went to see Tom Jones. The races photo is a bit booby, I let the *girls* out for the day and well it's clear that they attract attention lol

I built up the courage to ask out the Fitty rugby player that I've been chatting to. We were chatting again this afternoon and talking about going to the same rugby game in February so I sent him a message asking him if he wanted to meet and .....................................................
NOTHING! Not a bloody word. WTF? I really don't understand here, am I confusing the purpose of this site? Do men really want to spend hours on end typing fruitlessly to women they don't know online and then not meet them when they have the chance?!?!?!?!?!

So anyway, while I was impatiently waiting for my reply from Fitty Rugby Bloke I messaged another hottie never actually expecting a response, but hey ho would you believe he replied straight back.
I spent an hour or so chatting to him, he made me laugh (alot) and again I found myself with a date invitation... although I'm under no illusions that this is a 'play-date' and not a 'romance date'. He's a cheeky little bugger... 24yrs old and he asked me if he'd be my toy-boy... I suppose he would be really wouldn't he. They all would. I'm going after the youngsters, I think that's part of embracing my Dirty Thirties is to just chase guys younger than me. I've never done that, they've always been older and quite frankly it doesn't work in my favour.

So...I've agreed to meet my ToyBoy...where and when undecided as yet. He lives in Manchester, he's keen to come to *Smalltown* which again I think is a bit weird.
I'll keep you posted how that goes...

In the process of chatting to ToyBoy I received several more messages from a few other potentials. One of them seems a real cutie and we've agreed to meet in a couple of weeks when we've both got a free day. He's not been suggestive or forward at all, was very polite and very sweet so I'm looking forward to meeting this one aswell.

Another that I've been chatting to this evening is not at all my usual type but had something about him that I thought I'd reply and have a little chat...see how it goes.
He's 26 and proper Ginger...he's even got facial hair...I'm massively freaked out by facial hair...but I thought sod best friend loves the Gingers and she's always telling me I should get involved so I did.
Messages were all very polite, bit of banter and then I got this....
         Can i just say you look great for your age! No joke I thought you were 23,24. You look great.

Is he fucking real? Like actually for fucking real? Who the hell does he think I am? Nancy Fucking Dellolio? I'm thirty not fucking forty or fifty, four bastard years older than that ginger bearded tosser and I'm being told I look great for my age....FUCK OFF...YOU MASSIVE BELLEND!
I shan't be replying to that one. I'll let him work it out for himself. With a bit of luck someone might smack him in the teeth along the way.

So I'm off to bed now, a bit sweary and ranty but my fingers are crossed for a reply from Fitty Rugby Bloke tomorrow. I'm keen to hear from him, I liked talking to him & would be keen to meet up, but we'll see if that actually works out.

Nighty night folks...sweet dreams...come back tomorrow x

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